3rd Year I Principles of Communications

Publisher:何万源Release time:2023-05-30Times of browsing:28

I. Course essential information

Course   Code


Course   Code

Principles of   Communications

Credits   / Periods

3 credits / 48 periods

Period   Allocation

Lecture: 48Others0

Course   Classification

Core course,  bilingual


The fall semester  in the junior year


School of   Information Science and Engineering

Major   Program

Information   Engineering

Languages   of Instruction

Lecture and   discussion: Chinese and English

Blackboard writing,   assignments and tests: English


Advanced   mathematics, signal and system

Follow   up Course

Digital   communication

Course   Introduction

Principles of Communications is a core course targeting at communication science majors. It is an introductory course as   well as an indispensable basic course, which concentrates on the ways in   which various signals are generated, transmitted, modulated and demodulated.   It also aims to equip students with the essential knowledge about principles   of communications and ideas to solve common problems.


II. Course content and time allocation

In order to reach the standard of engineering professionals, the content of teaching is divided into seven sections: an overview of communication system, random process, continuous wave modulation, pulse modulation, baseband pulse transmission, signal space diversity and bandpass data transfer, following the step from basic conception to analytical methods, and finally to engineering application.


1.        Introduction of communication system (4 periods / in class)

To learn about the process of communication, signal channel, modulation, analog and digital communication system, Shannon’s theorem on information capacity, etc. To understand the basic communication resources ( including transmit power and the bandwidth of channel), forms of information source, main switching modes (including circuit switching and packet switching), and so on.


2.        Random process (8 periods / in class)

To understand the general description of random process; To graspthe numerical characteristics of random process; To understand the Wiener-Khinchin theorem, i.e. the correlation function and power spectral density of stationary stochastic process are a Fourier transform pair; To grasp the numerical characteristics of Gaussian process and one-dimensional density function; To understand the envelop and phase of narrowband random process and which follow the patterns of Rayleigh distribution and uniform distribution respectively; To understand the envelop of sine wave plus narrowband random process, which follows the pattern of Rice distribution; To understand that a stationary stochastic process still takes the form of stationary stochastic process after passing through a linear system.


3.        Continuous wave modulation (8 periods / in class)

To know that continuous wave modulation is a basic component of analog communication system; To grasp the description of amplitude modulated signal and angle modulated signal both in time domain and frequency domain; To understand and grasp the basic principles, block diagrams and formulas of amplitude modulation and angle modulation; To estimate and compare the anti-noise performance of the two analog modulation systems.


4.        Pulse modulation(8 periods / in class)

To know the principles of sampling, quantification and coding needed to transmit an analog signal through a digital system as well as the corresponding block diagram and performance; To grasp delta modulation, differential pulse code modulation and linear predictive coding; To understand time division multiplexing and digital signal multiplexers; To understand the MPEG-1/audio coding standard.


5.        Baseband pulse transmission (6 periods / in class)

To understand the principle and performance of the matched filter, which is the best choice for detecting known signals in the background of addictive white Gaussian noiseTo learn how to calculate the bit error rate due to channel noise; To understand the generation principle and expression of ISI and the Nyquist criterion for judging the presence or absence of baseband transmission distortion; To grasp the correlation code or partial response signal used to cancel the effects of intersymbol interferenceTo grasp the relationship between eye diagram and system performance, the concept of time domain equalization and equalization design criteria.


6.        Signal space analysis (6 periods / in class)

To understand the basic problems of signal transmission in additive white Gaussian noise (AWGN) channels; To grasp the geometric expression of finite energy signals; To calculate the maximum likelihood process of signal detection in AWGN channels; To learn about the correlation receivers equivalent to matched filter receivers; To understand symbol error probabilities and joint bounds for their approximation.


7.        Bandpass data transmission (8 periods / in class)

To grasp the basic principles of 2ASK, 2FSK, 2PSK and 2DPSK digital modulation, block diagrams of modulation and demodulation, and compare the anti-noise performance of different systems; To understand various improved digital modulation methods; To grasp coherent and incoherent detection of the modulated signals mentioned above under the condition of Gaussian white noise.