Teachers and Students from the School of Information Science and Engineering Awarded ICRI-MNC Outstanding Achievement Award and ICRI-MNC Best Student

Publisher:沈如达Release time:2018-11-29Times of browsing:706

Recently, the final workshop of Intel Collaborative Research Institutes on Mobile Networking and Computing (ICRI-MNC) has been held in Beijing. Prof. Xiaohu You from Southeast University undertook the project of Large-Scale Collaborative Wireless Network, which was officially launched in April 2013. The enterprise and universities collaborate to promote the innovation of advanced and systematic research in mobile network and computing fields. The forward-looking and leading results have been achieved within five years through high-level academic exchanges and academy-industry interactions. 

During the development of the Large-Scale Collaborative Wireless Network, Prof. You completed the 5G large-scale cooperative wireless transmission system based on Intel architecture, and promoted the 5G standardization of LDPC codes and polar codes. In addition, under the funding of this project, a total of 110 academic papers were published with more than 20 international awards, and 3 graduate students participated in the internship program of ICRI-MNC. 

At this meeting, Menghui Xu and other 4 students from the School of Information Science and Engineering presented the deep-dive talks, Huayi Zhou and other 5 students presented the flash talks, undergraduates Yahui Ji and other 5 students gave the poster presentations. Prof. You and associate Prof. Chuan Zhang were awarded ICRI-MNC Outstanding Achievement Award for their outstanding contributions in ICRI-MNC by vice president of Intel labs, Dr. Vida. Yifei Shen were awarded the ICRI-MNC Best Student Award for his significant contribution in the research and innovation in ICRI-MNC.