






陈继新博士的主要研究方向包括:基片集成波导元件、电路和系统,以及硅基毫米波和太赫兹集成电路在 5G 无线通信中的应用。低成本、高性能的毫米波技术对于成功部署下一代移动通信系统至关重要。目前他正在从事 5G 大规模天线阵(Massive MIMO))系统的 Q 波段小型化阵列的研究工作。他是 10 多项专利的专利权共有人,合作发表过 100 余篇国际会议和杂志论文。


是德科技大学关系项目总监 Kent Carey 表示:“陈博士在技术研究方面做出了突出贡献。正是他的研究,使得高频、高性能、低成本的无线通信解决方案成为可能。这类突破性研究成果是实现 5G 移动通信的必要条件。”




是德科技官网报道 http://about.keysight.com/en/collaborating/KeysightProfAward.shtml


Keysight Early Career Professor Award

Early Career Professor Award Winner Announced:

Congratulations to Jixin Chen M.S., Ph.D. of Southeast University, winner of the 2016 Keysight Early Career Professor Award!

Prof. Jixin Chen
Prof. Jixin Chen

Southeast University
State Key Laboratory of Millimeter Waves, 
School of Information Science and Engineering 
Southeast University, 
Sipailou 2, Nanjing, 210096, China


Dr. Chen, Professor at the Southeast University State Key Laboratory of Millimeter Waves in the School of Information Science and Engineering, is the recipient of the first annual Keysight Early Career Professor Award for his work in microwave and millimeter wave technologies.

Chen's research focuses on technologies for 5G wireless communications using substrate-integrated waveguide components, circuits and systems as well as silicon-based millimeter wave and terahertz integrated circuits. High performance and cost effective millimeter wave technologies are critical to the successful deployment of next generation mobile communications systems.

Currently Chen is leading the research at Southeast University on a miniaturized Q-band array for 5G massive multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) systems. He is an inventor on over 20 patents and an author on over 100 journal and conference publications.

Prof. Jixin Chen received his B.S. degree in radio engineering from Southeast University in 1998, and the M.S. and Ph.D. degrees from Southeast University in 2002 and 2006, respectively, in electromagnetic field and microwave technology. He is currently a professor at Southeast University and the director-elect of the Department of Electromagnetic Field and Microwave Engineering.


The purpose of the Keysight Early Career Professor Award is to:

  • Promote and encourage excellent research enabling design, test or measurement capabilities of importance to Keysight Technologies and the world 
  • Establish strong collaborative relationships between Keysight researchers and leading professors early in their career
  • Build the prominence of Keysight as a sponsor of university research

Selection Criteria:

  • Significant original research contributions enabling design, test or measurement capabilities of importance to 
    Keysight Technologies and the world
  • Outstanding potential for future research
  • Evidence of teaching excellence
  • Professor completed Ph.D. less than 10 years before January 1, 2016 

Award Information:

  • An unrestricted research award of $50,000 per year for 2 years to university in the professor's name
  • Option to use all or part of award to obtain Keysight products at 50% discount
  • Option to accelerate payments to facilitate procurement of equipment with list price over $100k
Engraved plaque commemorating award
Recognition on Keysight's website